*Click here to view some of our favorite Before and After transformations*
Please Note: Shoes are NOT included in the prices listed below. Prices include cost of Preciosa rhinestones and strassing only. For Swarovski, please send us an email via the contact us page. For Chanel Bags / Other brands, please send us an email via the contact us page and we'll get back to you within 2 business days.
Pigalle/Very Prive or 120mm
- $965
Bianca / Alti or 140mm
- Closed Back $1350
- Sling Back $1150
Lady Peep/Banana or 150mm
- Closed Back $1350
- Sling Back $1150
Daffodile/Lady Daf/Daffy/Highness or 160mm
- $1800
Daf Sling or 160mm Slingback
- $1650
- $850
*Use of AB/Effect stones are an additional $150, $250 for 160mm and up
*Dyeing/painting is an additional $30 // $60 for patent leather – $50 // $75 for 160mm and up
*Prices based on average size shoe. Size 40, 41, and 42 please add $100 to base rate, $200 for 160 mm and up
For all other styles and/or any other inquiries, please email us at
Urban Bling is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by any designer.
All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners.

Storage/Unclaimed Policy: After two weeks from date of commission completion, be it bag or shoes, if customer does not claim order or complete payment, items are sent to storage with a fee of $10 per week. After four weeks from the date of shoe/bag completion, if customer does not claim order or complete payment, items will be sold at our own discretion.